
ACS Monthly Meeting

The ACS group meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 7pm to 8pm. Unless weather prevents it, all ACS meetings will be at the LCARA clubhouse. When specific events or activities are planned, date, time and subject matter will be posted below. Check back often to see what's going on.

Regularly Scheduled Nets

Cowlitz County ACS conducts a regular Monday evening net at 2000L on the ACS 2 meter repeater, N7DEM. The frequency is 147.26, + offset, 114.8 PL tone. ACS announcements as well as LCARA and general interest announcements are made on this net. Check-ins from non-members are welcome. In the event of an emergency this net would be activated for check-in and further information.

Washington State ARES® conducts the Washington State Emergency Net every Saturday morning at 0900 on 3985 kHz (alt. 7245 kHz) except during the winter months when it begins at 1730L. This HF SSB net accepts check-ins statewide. Net control duties are rotated around the state.

ACS Outreach Activities

The images below represent our Education and Public Outreach activities. Open house events at Fire Stations Kalama, Castle Rock & Toutle. We also participate in National Night Out with the same outreach goals sharing awareness of what hams in our area can do for Emergency Services and the community.

Tour de Blast

Tour de Blast is a bicycle event which take riders from the Toutle Fire Station to the Mount St Helens Johnston Ridge Observatory area. Here the Auxiliary Communications Service is assisting the Rotary Club sponsored event with communications from multiple rest and safety stations along the route.